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The Curse of Cotton: Central Asia’s Destructive Monoculture

Herausgeber:  International Crisis Group

Schlagwörter:  Kinderarbeit, Zwangsarbeit, Usbekistan, Menschenrechte


The cotton industry in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan contributes to political repression, economic stagnation, widespread poverty and environmental degradation.
Without structural reform in the industry, it will be extremely difficult to improve economic development, tackle poverty and social deprivation, and promote political liberalisation in the region. If those states, Western governments and international financial institutions (IFIs) do not do more to encourage a new approach to cotton, the pool of disaffected young men susceptible to extremist ideology will grow with potentially grave consequences for regional stability.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

Umfang: 56 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Bezug: PDF kostenfrei zum Download bei der Cottoncampaign.org

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