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Fact sheet : Hidden subcontracting in the garment industry - Zoomin in on the role of buying companies

Herausgeber: SOMO, Amsterdam
Autorin: Theuws, Martje
Redaktion: Anning, Vicky 

Schlagwörter: Subunternehmer, Subcontracting, Unternehmensverantwortung, Einkaufspraxis, Fast Fashion, prekäre Arbeit

Clothing brands and retailers usually do not produce the items they sell but have their products made by a variety of manufacturers that are predominantly located in low-cost countries. As fashion trends are changing at an ever faster pace, the industry is operating at ever higher speeds and demanding quick, flexible and cheap production from its suppliers to keep up. Inherently linked to this operating model is, amongst others, the risk of precarious workplaces that are incorporated into the supply chain through unauthorised subcontracting arrangements.
This fact sheet addresses the problem of hidden subcontracting in the textile and garment industry. It offers buying companies (clothing brands and retailers) a set of recommendations to minimize the risk of unauthorized subcontracting and to ensure that production is taking place under decent working conditions.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

Umfang: 9 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

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