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Dirty Laundry: Reloaded - How big brands are making consumers unwitting accomplices in the toxic water cycle

Herausgeber: Greenpeace

Schlagwörter: Chemikalien, Gifte, Umweltverschmutzung, gesundheitsschädigend, gefährlich, Wasserverschmutzung, Rückstände, Waschen, erste Wäsche, Waschmaschine, Nonylphenol Phtalate, NPEs

Kurzbeschreibung: The toxic cycle continues. New research commissioned by Greenpeace International shows that residues of the hazardous chemicals nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs)1 – used in textile manufacturing – remain in many clothing items sold by major international clothing brands and, when washed, a significant percentage of the chemicals in these clothes is released and subsequently discharged into rivers, lakes and seas, where they turn into the even more toxic and hormonedisrupting chemical nonylphenol (NPs).
This is the first ever study to investigate differences in the amounts of NPEs in fabric products before and after washing, as far as we are aware, and the results have major implications for brands and governments – demonstrating that the direct pollution impacts of the textile sector extend far beyond the country of manufacture and are creating a global cycle of toxic pollution.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012

Umfang: 48 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Sprache: Englisch

Inhalt: Untersuchung zu Chemikalien, Wasserverschmutzung mit Chemikalien, Verschmutzung von Wasser mit Chemikalien durch Textilien während der ersten Wäsche, Tests verschiedener Marken, Rückstände in den Textilien, Auswirkungen, Lösungen und Forderungen

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