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Considerate Design

Herausgeber/Initiator: London College of Fashion, The Open University, The Engineering Design Centre at Cambridge University.

Schlagwörter: Design, Designstrategien, Designer/innen, Modedesigner/innen, Zukunft, Visionen, Praxisbeispiele, Materialien, Techniken, Konzept

Considerate Design encompasses:

  • consideration of the entire life cycle of fashion products
  • the customisation of the products to the consideration of the end user
  • the efficient use of materials by minimising waste
  • the reduction of labour costs for assembly
  • localised ‘on demand’ production and fewer travel miles
  • greater longevity of products by meeting user needs

The project is structured as a portfolio of three sub projects which act as case studies for the overall aim: To develop a Considerate Design concept and test new design and production methods for creation of personalised fashion products.
Whilst the end products of every project diverge, there is common use of individual body scan data and rapid prototyping technology to derive a new methodology for each design process.
The three projects are:

  • “Personalised Knitwear”: seamless garment knitting for comfort and personalised fit utilising advanced knitting technology.
  • “Bespoke Bags”: bespoke functional bags ergonomically designed to fit the body.
  • “Evolving Textiles”: rapid manufacturing for pseudo-textile structures which conform to the body.

Zielgruppe: Studierende Modedesign, Lehrende Modedesign, Modedesigner/innen, verschiedene Akteure des Modedesign/ Modebusiness

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: www.consideratedesign.com

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