Herausgeber*in: Material Innovation Initiative
Autor*in: Elaine Siu, Fernanda Onça, Nicole Rawling
Schlagwörter: Cellulose, Circular Economy, Kunstfasern, Leder, Marken, Materialinnovation, Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltbelastung
Despite significant challenges in the fashion industry over the past few years due to Covid-19, we are encouraged by the number of brands using next-gen materials in their products. The number of fashion, automotive, and home goods brands interested in next-gen materials has increased along with the supply of next-gen materials. This market trend is not surprising given the increased consumer demand for animal-free and environmentally friendly products and the development of new technologies allowing for significant improvement in the aesthetics and performance of next-gen materials.
In this report, we explain three reasons brands are adding next-gen materials into their supply chains. First, and perhaps most importantly, is increased consumer demand for sustainable and animal-free products. Other reasons are the environmental benefit of next-gen materials over animal-based materials, including the continued animal cruelty when animals are used as commodities.
The majority of the report provides examples of products made from next-gen materials. Before now, there was no one source that listed how brands are working with next-gen materials and material companies.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 79 Seiten
Zielgruppe: Studierende, Dozierende, Beschaffer*innen
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