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The African Textile and Clothing Industry: From Import Substitution to Export Orientation

Autoren/innen: Rudolf Traub-Merz with assistance from Herbert Jauch

in: The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa

Autoren/innen: Herbert Jauch / Rudolf Traub-Merz (Eds.)

Herausgeber: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Schlagwörter: Afrika, afrikanische Textilindustrie, WTO, GATT, Krise, Globalisierung

The African textile and clothing (T&C) industry is in a major crisis. Domestically it is hit by imports (in particular from Asian countries) with which it finds it difficult to compete. Not much of the once impressive T&C sector built during the phase of import substitution is left. It is hit on foreign markets, where it has made some inroads in recent years, and where fierce competition among suppliers is now threatening exports from Africa. The future and, to some extent, even the survival of the African textile and clothing industry is closely linked to two international processes: The changes taking place on the global T&C market after the expiry of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) on 1 January 2005; and the restructuring of the multilateral trade system, being negotiated in the current World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha round.
The expiry of the ATC marks the end of a period of some 40 years, during which much of the global T&C trade was subject to a special regime which centered on a politically motivated quota system. With the end of the quota system, the T&C trade is moving inside the world of WTO agreements, becoming an integral part of the WTO system, governed by the general rules and principles of this multilateral trading system.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006

Umfang: 29 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Sprache: Englisch

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