Herausgeber: Clean Clothes Campaign
Schlagwörter: Bangladesch, Fabrikbrand, Brände, Unfälle, Fabrikunfälle, Sicherheit, Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, Arbeitssicherheit, Empfehlungen, Kompensierung, Entschädigung
The safety record of the Bangladesh garment industry is one of the worst in the world. This briefing aims to give an overview of what action needs to be taken by the different actors involved in order to improve the safety of garment factories in Bangladesh, what has been achieved so far both in preventing future tragedies and compensating the victims of previous incidents and what more could and should be done by the brands, retailers and employers to ensure that the workers of Bangladesh are not risking their lives for the sake of cheap fashion.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Umfang: 47 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene
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