Herausgeber: Centre d’Etudes en Géopolitique et Gouvernance, Grenoble Ecole De Management
Schlagwörter: Kinderarbeit, Zwangsarbeit, Usbekistan, Menschenrechte
Uzbek children are made to work in the cotton fields through the systematic use of forced labour by the government of Uzbekistan. This phenomenon is different from the legacy of family farms, as practiced in Western Europe only a few decades ago. Uzbekistan has a high level of literacy and schooling; the agricultural sector was collectivised during the Soviet era, and then privatised after independence in 1991, though these hollow reforms did not diminish state control over this sector. It is upon the orders of the state, through the intermediary of local government and governors (hokims), that the transportation of schoolchildren to the cotton fields and their supervision and quotas are organised. Moreover, after 20 years of independence, Uzbekistan’s economy has passed the subsistence stage and although we can observe a deep economic crisis, it does not justify the use of forced labour.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Umfang: 36 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene
Bezug: PDF zum Download bei der Cottoncampaign.org