Herausgeber: ITGLWF, IRENE, Somo
Schlagwörter: Organisation der Beschäftigten, Afrika
Asian Multinationals in Africa; Organising and campaigning:
The booklet series was produced to share with trade unions, NGOs and workers in Africa the efforts of many organisations on improving working conditions in Multinational Companies. These efforts take many forms such as developing policies in tripartite structures, multistakeholder campaign initiatives, research, and worker education. It incorporates the work done in Africa on multinationals in the garment industry, spearheaded by the ITGLWF Africa office.A story of organizing:
The book is mainly intended for use by workers who are unorganised or recently organised and would be useful to an individual reader but far more useful for a group of workers to work through during a series of meetings or in a study circle format. The book is intended as a guide and a tool to stimulate workers discussions, thinking and planning, not to replace them. The exercises in this workbook should be done as you read through the story and not at the end.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2005
Umfang: 3 Bände/je 50 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene
Medien: Lehrmaterial
Bezug: Alle Bände kostenlos zum Download bei somo.nl