Herausgeber_innen: Labour Behind the Label (London, UK), Cividep (Bangalore, India), SUM (Sri Lanka), Heather Stilwell and CLEC
Autor_innen: McMullen, Anna / Majumder, Sanjita
Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitszeiten, Asien, Bangladesch, CSR, Existenzlohn, Indien, Lieferkette, Lohn, Unternehmensverantwortung
‘Do We Buy It? is a new joint report by Labour Behind the Label (LBL) and Cividep India looking into the stories behind two leading high-street brands, M&S and H&M, who have made claims to be ensuring a fair living wage for workers who make their clothes.
The report shows that garment workers at Marks & Spencer suppliers in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh continue to be paid poorly, forced to live in abject poverty, sharing slum housing and often subjected to illegal levels of overtime work – of up to 110 hours a month over contracted hours. Over 60% of the workers interviewed were struggling with mounting debt just to meet their basic needs.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Umfang: 32 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene
Medien: Hintergrundinformationen
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