Herausgeber_innen: Homeworkers Worldwide; Labour Behind the Label
Basierend auf der gleichnamigen ausführlichen Studie
Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Asien, Chemikalien, Existenzlohn, Heimarbeit, Indien, Leder, Lieferkette, Lohn, Schadstoffe, Schuhe
The summary gives an overview on the situation of homeworkers in India, the invisible female workforce who stitch the leather uppers of shoes bound for sale in the UK and Europe. The shoe industry is an immense global business, with over 24 billion pairs produced last year alone, equating to three pairs of shoes made for every single person living. Complex global supply chains mean that tracing a pair of shoes from the shop floor through the factories, homes and tanneries in which they originated is virtually impossible. A lack of regulations allows this multi-billion pound industry to continue to operate without transparency. Issues with workers safety and poverty wages abound in an industry built on exploitation, however those at the bottom of the chain are homeworkers. These are the ‘invisible’ women who stitch leather uppers in their home, earning next to nothing, with no security or benefits.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Umfang: 6 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene
Medien: Hintergrundinformationen
Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download bei Cleanclothes.
Eine ausführliche gleichnamige Studie ist ebenfalls dort erhältlich.