Autor_in: Sanjukta Pookulangara, Arlesa Shephard
Schlagwörter: Nachhaltigkeit, Slow Fashion, Fast Fashion, Studie, Nachhaltig Konsumieren, Konsummuster, Konsumverhalten, Konsumalternativen, Konsumkritik, Lifestyle
The retail industry currently is dominated by fast-fashion and just-in-time production seeking to Increase fashion trends. Yet, due to the economic crisis worldwide, disposable incomes are on the wane and clothes at disposable prices are losing their appeal. There is a growth of a new movement counteracting the demand for fast fashion—the ‘‘Slow Fashion’’ movement. The exploratory study analyzed consumers’ perception of purchasing Slow Fashion garments using focus groups. Four themes emerged (1) Slow Fashion defined; (2) Slow Fashion Product Attributes; (3) Slow Fashion as a Lifestyle; (4) Slow Fashion into Retail Mainstream, implications for retailers have been suggested.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Umfang: 7 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: Kapitel aus Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 200–206
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