Autor_in: Theodoros Spathas
Schlagwörter: Altkleider, Altkleidersammlung, Abfall, Fasern, Fasertechnologie, Recycling, Ökobilanz, LifeCycle Analysis, Life Cycle
The fashion supply chain is being challenged by a rising global population, increasing wealth and consumerism in the emerging markets, and the phenomenon of fast consumption in the developed world. Enormous strains are put on natural resources to keep up with consumer demand and solutions are needed for the massive waste flows downstream. Currently the main solutions for garments that cannot be reused are landfill, incineration for energy recovery, and downcycling. The latter is the recycling of garments into lower value products, such as insulation or wipers. Landfill and incineration cost money and these options do not deal with the natural resources issue since they do not displace the virgin fibre textiles industry. Downcycling does displace virgin fibre production, but applications have low profitability. High value recycling or “garment to garment recycling“is the concept of recycling used garments and textile waste into new garment products. This concept can reduce some of the pressure on virgin resources, while at the same adding value to waste to make recycling profitable for companies. This research assessed the environmental performance of two garment to garment recycling systems and one scenario as well as one downcycling system, in comparison with their equivalent ones made from virgin materials. The approach was based on life cycle assessment, and the impact categories chosen were climate change, acidification, eutrophication and water consumption. The study included primary data from different processes in the life cycle, including mechanical and chemical recycling, textile collection and manual and automated sorting.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Umfang: 67 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
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