Herausgeber_in: Center for Workers’ Rights
Autor_in: Mark Anner
Schlagwörter: mangelnde Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, Bangladesch, CSR, Gewerkschaft, Gewerkschaftsfreiheit, Sicherheitsbedingungen, Sicherheitsstandards, Sozialstandards, Fabrikunglück, Rana Plaza, Unternehmensverantwortung, Verantwortung von Regierungen und des öffentlichen Sektors
Despite more than two decades of private voluntary approaches to address workers’ rights abuses in apparel supply chains, workers in the lower production tiers continue to face poor working conditions and chronic violations of their rights. Bangladesh has been emblematic of low wages, poor working conditions, union-avoidance, and a series of mass fatality disasters in garment factories, culminating in the collapse of Rana Plaza in 2013. With the five-year anniversary of the catastrophe approaching, the question arises as to whether the intervening years have seen meaningful gains for workers.
This report finds that gains have been severely limited in regard to wages, overtime hours, and work intensity in part due to the sourcing practices of the brands and retailers that sit at the top of global supply chains. A partial exception is in the area of associational rights, where, in the aftermath of Rana Plaza, pressure from the European Union, the United States, and international organizations resulted in minor pro-union labor reforms. These reforms, combined with the tenacity of workers and their organizing efforts, resulted in an increase in the number of recognized unions. However, in recent years, union growth has once again stagnated, indicating the need for continued international pressure and for an expansion of the capacity of garment sector unions. This report finds one area where gains for workers have been dramatic: building safety. This is largely the result of an unprecedented binding agreement, the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. The Accord, which imposes constraints and obligations on global firms that are absent from traditional voluntary CSR schemes, has overseen a massive program of safety renovations and upgrades.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Umfang: 18 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch