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Bonded labour in South Asia’s textile industry: findings from the South Indian powerloom sector

Autor_in: Dr Geert De Neve, Dr Grace Carswell,

Herausgeber_in: University of Sussex Global Insights


In the aftermath of the recent collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, a series of factory fires in Asia and a major garment workers’ strike in Cambodia, serious concerns have once again been raised about the conditions of labour in global supply chains. Not only are textile workers across South Asia being poorly paid and employed in unsafe working conditions, they continue to be subjected to forms of bonded or un-free labour that tie them to employers and work environments that they struggle to escape from. Given that little is known about where in the supply chain

bonded labour occurs or how it operates, this briefing explores the persistence of such labour in global garment supply chains by focusing on the Tamil Nadu power loom industry, integrated in India’s wider networks of garment exports. It describes the main characteristics of bonded labour

in this industry, identifies some of the consequences for the workers involved, and makes a number of recommendations for intervention and policy making. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) interventions in particular continue to lack information on where bonded labour occurs in their supply chains, what forms it takes and how it affects the workers involved.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2013

Umfang: 4 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug:  kostenfrei zum Download



