Herausgeber_in: Oxfam Australia, Melbourne
Autor_innen: S Nayeem Emran, Joy Kyriacou, Sarah Rogan
Redaktion: Melissa Spurgin
Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Asien, Bangladesch, Frauenrechte, Lohn, Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Unternehmensverantwortung
The research reveals not only harrowing personal stories of individuals, but a systemic failure to ensure payment of wages that are enough for people to afford even the basics of a decent life. There have been interviewed more than 470 workers across Bangladesh and Vietnam for this study. All of them were part of Australian clothing supply chains at the time of interview, employed in garment factories that supply at least one iconic Australian clothing brand. The investigation also included more than 130 interviews with factory owners, managers, union leaders and focus groups to present a clear picture of the way the fashion industry works in Australian garment supply chains.
The picture drawn is disturbing. Not only are almost all the workers we interviewed being paid well below a living wage; they are also struggling to feed themselves and their families, sometimes going hungry. They fall into spiraling debt, live in poor conditions and cannot afford the healthcare or education they and their families need.
This investigation reveals that the problems created by poverty wages in the garment industry are not isolated incidents. They cannot be fixed by action in just one factory or by addressing the hardships of just one worker. Only a strong, system-wide commitment from Australian brands with the power to change their practices will turn this around.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Umfang: 60 Seiten bzw. 15 Seiten (Zusammenfassung)
Sprache: Englisch
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