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Garment Supply Chains since Rana Plaza - Governance & Worker Outcomes

Herausgeber_innen: The London School of Economics and Political Science, Brac University, University of Gothenburg, UNSW Australia, Freie Universität Berlin, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz: Garment Supply Chain Governance Project Final Report

Autor_innen: Schüßler, E., Frenkel, S., Ashwin, S., Kabeer, N., Egels-Zandén, N., Alexander, R., Huq, L., Oka, C., Lohmeyer, N., Rahman, S. & Rahman, K. M.

Schlagwörter: Asien, Bangladesch, Sicherheit, Unternehmensverantwortung


The April 2013 Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, which killed over 1,000 garment workers and injured many more, shocked the world. Since then, lead firms, supplier factories, governments and multiple other stakeholders have sought to improve building safety in Bangladesh and to strengthen the governance of labour standards in garment supply chains. This report summarizes the results of the Garment Supply Chain Governance Project, which provides the most thorough analysis of lead firms’ current practices and their impact on garment factories and workers in the context of various public and private labour governance initiatives to date.

Since the Rana Plaza disaster, buyer-supplier relations, lead firm labour governance approaches and worker outcomes in Bangladeshi garment factories have changed. These changes can be attributed to an intensified climate for compliance regarding primarily building safety, but also other aspects of working conditions. While it is difficult to tease out precisely the causal impact of each initiative implemented in Bangladesh since Rana Plaza, our data indicate that this climate of compliance and the resulting changes can be strongly associated to lead firms’ engagement in the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety (Accord).

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Umfang: 44 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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