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Fossil Fashion: The hidden reliance of fast fashion on fossil fuels

Herausgeber_in: Changing Markets Foundation

Autor_innen: Changing Markets Foundation

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: Abfall, COVID-19, Corona, Erdöl, Fasern, Fast Fashion, Lieferkette, Markt, Marken, Mikroplastik, Nachhaltigkeit, Polyester, Recycling, Rohstoffe, Textilindustrie, Umweltbelastung, Verhaltenstipps


This report reveals the hidden reliance of the fast fashion industry on fossil fuels. It demonstrates how the historical and projected growth of synthetic fibres, such as polyester, has become the backbone of the prevailing unsustainable fast fashion business model, which is driving runaway consumption and presents a major obstacle to a circular economy. It also uncovers how, in light of the fashion industry’s growing dependence on fossil fuels, the oil and gas industry are betting on production of plastic, including plastic-fibres, as a growing share of their revenue.

The production of polyester alone is leading to annual GHG emissions equivalent to 180 coal power plants and this is projected to nearly double by 2030. In addition to the climate crisis, fashion’s addiction to fossil fuels is also driving the waste crisis – from ubiquitous microfibre pollution to mountains of textile waste ending up in nature, landfills and incinerators. The report calls for a considerable slow-down of fast fashion and highlights the upcoming EU textile strategy as a good opportunity to introduce sweeping legislation that should change the course of the industry.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 45 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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