Herausgeber_in: Fashion Revolution, Tamil Nadu Alliance
Autor_in: Sarah Ditty
Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Schüler_innen Sek. I/II, Berufsschule , Erwachsene
Medien: Hintergrundinformationen
Schlagwörter: Arbeitsbedingungen, Baumwolle, Brasilien, China, COVID-19, Corona, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Indien, Konsum, Leder, Lieferketten, Menschenrechte, Nachhaltigkeit, Textile Kette, Transparenz, Unternehmensverantwortung
Supply chains are more like webs than linear chains, with layers of agents, contractors and subcontractors. This is a problem because fragmented and opaque supply chains can allow exploitative and unsafe working conditions to thrive while obscuring who has the responsibility and power to redress them.
This is why Fashion Revolution, among many other organisations, has been calling for greater transparency and accountability across the global fashion industry since the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013 killing more than a thousand garment workers. In support of the Tamil Nadu Alliance, Fashion Revolution has reviewed the supply chain transparency efforts of 62 major brands and retailers with reported links to textile suppliers in Tamil Nadu.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Umfang: 44 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
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