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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Effektivität

Donnerstag, 14 Februar 2013 16:53

The Structural Crisis of Labour Flexibility

Herausgeber: CCC International Secretariat of the clean clothes campaign

Autor: Jeroen Merk

Schlagwörter: Kampagnen, Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung, Code of Conduct, Verhaltenskodizes, Wirksamkeit, Effektivität, Strategien, Zukunftsperspektiven, Evaluierung, Rückblick

Kurzbeschreibung: Since the CCC was established to improve the working conditions in the global garment industry and empower its workers, we must now ask how we can continue to increase our efforts to extend the impact of our campaigns. This paper is part of an ongoing evaluation and strategizing process through which the CCC's aims and activities can be accessed, reviewed, redefined and adapted.

The central question here is what strategies, tools, campaigns would help to achieve our objectives? The paper first discusses why poor working conditions are so persistent in the global garment industry, despite fifteen years of codes of conduct. The second section discusses three main strategies the CCC has employed over the last 15 year to improve working conditions. It includes an overview of how the debate on codes of conduct, monitoring and verification has evolved. Finally, the third section discusses the three broad strategies that might increase the impact of voluntary, private instruments on working conditions. It discusses three different contexts in which voluntary initiatives can contribute to improve working conditions.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Umfang: 41 Seiten

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene

Sprache: Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch

Bezug: kostenfrei als PDF-Download (Englische Fassung)



