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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Gesellschaftskritik

Freitag, 28 November 2014 01:00

Stitched Up - The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion

Herausgeber: Pluto Press

Autorin: Tansy E. Hoskins

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene, Studenten/innen

Medien:  Hintergrundmaterialien

Schlagwörter: Bekleidungsindustrie, Gesellschaftskritik

Beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned designs, Stitched Up delves into the alluring world of fashion to reveal what is behind the clothes we wear. Moving between Karl Lagerfeld and Karl Marx, the book explores consumerism, class and advertising to reveal the interests which benefit from exploitation.
Tansy E. Hoskins dissects fashion’s vampiric relationship with the planet and with our bodies to uncover what makes it so damaging. Why does ‘size zero’ exist and what is the reality of working life for models? In a critique of the portrayal of race in fashion, the book also examines the global balance of power in the industry.
In a compelling conclusion Stitched Up explores the use of clothing to resist. Can you shock an industry that loves to shock? Is ‘green fashion’ an alternative? Stitched Up provides a unique critical examination of contemporary culture and the distorting priorities of capitalism.
Tansy E. Hoskins is a writer, journalist and activist. She has worked for Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Islam Channel. She writes for the Guardian and Business of Fashion, and has appeared on the BBC, Al Jazeera and Channel 4's Ten O'Clock Live.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Umfang: 264 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: als Taschenbuch (ISBN 9780745334561) für £ 14,99 oder ebook (ISBN 9781783710072) für £ 3,99 direkt bei Plutopress erhältlich.

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