Herausgeber: Environmental Justice Foundation, in collaboration with Pesticide Action Network UK
Schlagwörter: Usbekistan, Indien, Pestizide, Vergiftungen, Biobaumwolle
Cotton is the world’s most important non-food agricultural commodity, yet it is responsible for the release of US$ billions of chemical pesticides each year, within which at least US$ million are considered toxic enough to be classified as hazardous by the World Health Organisation. Cotton accounts for % of global insecticide releases more than any other single crop. Almost kilogram of hazardous pesticides is applied for every hectare under cotton. Between and % of agricultural workers worldwide suffer from acute pesticide poisoning with at least million requiring hospitalization each year, according to a report prepared jointly for the FAO, UNEP and
WHO. These figures equate to between 25 million and 77 million agricultural workers worldwide.
Acute symptoms of pesticide poisoning include headaches, vomiting, tremors, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing or respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, seizures and death. Chronic effects of long-term pesticide exposure include impaired memory and concentration, disorientation, severe depression and confusion
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Umfang: 56 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene
Bezug: PDF kostenfrei zum Download bei der Cottoncampaign.org
Herausgeber: LottaFilm / Fair Trade Center
Made by: Lotta Ekelund, Kristina Bjurling
Schlagwörter: Indien, Tirupur, Färbemittel, Färbung, Farben, Kinderarbeit, Kompensationen, Vergiftung, Gifte, Wasserverschmutzung
We shop, who pays?' focuses on Tirupur in South India but unlike other resources so far available, it features the region's shoe industry as well as going back up the production chain to examine the impact of dyeing processes on the local environment. It tells of chemicals used which are banned in Europe, of child labourers who do not drink water during the day because there are not enough toilets for their use, of 16 to 19 years old who sleep on site so they can work two shifts a day, of the water which has to be brought in every day as the local water sources are unfit for human consumption, and of land contaminated by the dyeing industry for which farmers have not been compensated.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Umfang: 40 Min. (French version 25 Min.)
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene
Sprache: Original mit Untertiteln, Schwedisch und Hindi, English voice over
Bezug: Online verfügbar