Herausgeber: BBC Three
Schlagwörter: Rollentausch, Konsum, Indien, Fabrikarbeit, Sweatshop, selber nähen, Erfahrung
This BBC Three series from May 2008 saw six young fashion addicts swap shopping on the high street with working in India's cotton fields and clothes factories. They find out whether they could handle a sewing machine and meet the target of two garments a minute. Discover whether their experience changed their throwaway attitude to clothes shopping.
A follow-up series was made in 2010 called Blood Sweat and Luxuries that once again brought together six young British consumers to experience working alongside the people who make the products sold on the high street.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene/ Berufsschule/Studium Sek I/II
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: Trailer zu den 4 Episoden finden sich hier