Herausgeber*in: Material Innovation Initiative
Autor*in: Elaine Siu, Fernanda Onça, Nicole Rawling
Schlagwörter: Cellulose, Circular Economy, Kunstfasern, Leder, Marken, Materialinnovation, Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltbelastung
Despite significant challenges in the fashion industry over the past few years due to Covid-19, we are encouraged by the number of brands using next-gen materials in their products. The number of fashion, automotive, and home goods brands interested in next-gen materials has increased along with the supply of next-gen materials. This market trend is not surprising given the increased consumer demand for animal-free and environmentally friendly products and the development of new technologies allowing for significant improvement in the aesthetics and performance of next-gen materials.
In this report, we explain three reasons brands are adding next-gen materials into their supply chains. First, and perhaps most importantly, is increased consumer demand for sustainable and animal-free products. Other reasons are the environmental benefit of next-gen materials over animal-based materials, including the continued animal cruelty when animals are used as commodities.
The majority of the report provides examples of products made from next-gen materials. Before now, there was no one source that listed how brands are working with next-gen materials and material companies.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 79 Seiten
Zielgruppe: Studierende, Dozierende, Beschaffer*innen
Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download
Verlag: Laurence King Publishing
Autor: Bradley Quinn
Schlagwörter: Materialien, Materialinnovation, Innovation, High-Tech-Fasern, Biomimikri, Design, Modedesign, Nachhaltigkeit
Technologized textiles and sustainable fabrics are among the most innovative designed today, and together they are driving the rest of the industry dramatically forward. Many designers are now integrating hi-tech fabrics, such as protective and impact-resistant textiles, or cellulose fabrics with groundbreaking results. Embracing new processes such as biomimicry, they bridge the gap between art, design, technology and sustainability.
This book showcases new work from over 35 of today’s most forward-thinking textile designers, featuring surface designs, highly-structured textures and striking silhouettes. Each will be presented through inspirational text and striking visual spreads to include design sketches, work-in-progress photographs and digital drawings alongside images of cutting-edge furniture, interior textiles and fashion.
This book shows how the development of fabrics today is immersed in technology, sustainability and innovation. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in contemporary textile design.
Erscheinungsjahr: April 2013
Umfang: 312 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch