Herausgeber_in: Anna Maria Schneider, Sarah Jastram
Schlagwörter: Nachhaltigkeit, ethical fashion, Green Fashion, green fashion, green fashion Alternative, Nachhaltig Konsumieren, Konsummuster, Konsumverhalten, Konsumalternativen, Konsumkritik, Kreislauf, Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, Slow Fashion, Transparenz, Transformation, Zertifizierung, Zertifizierungen
This edited volume comprises ideas, visions, strategies, and dreams of entrepreneurs, managers, scientists and political experts who share their best practice experience relating to the joint goal of a more sustainable, humanistic, and responsible fashion industry. Readers will find a variety of approaches and strategies that in sum represent a rich pool of insights and cases for anyone interested in the study of new management perspectives and in the systematic advancement of sustainable fashion. In 14 chapters, international authors discuss topics such as Sustainable Business Models, Cradle-to-Cradle, Circular Economy, Human Rights, Ethical Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Fashion Consumption, Certification and Auditing, Traceability, Impact Measurement, and Industry Transformation. Business case studies include H&M, Filippa K, Melawear, Otto, Tauko, and Tchibo. Further brands that are discussed in the book are Prada, Burberry, Hermès, Hugo Boss, and many more.
The book demonstrates that sustainable fashion can hardly be realized by just one actor or by using just one business tool or governance instrument. The sustainable transformation of the textile sector requires concerted action of businesses, governments, NGOs, and consumers to clearly demonstrate a coalition for change and a willingness and power to end inhumane and unsustainable business practices in the 21st century. The sum of innovative approaches and solutions presented in this book shows that the momentum for change is strong and that mutual learning, respect and collaboration can lead to interesting and effective new paths of co-creation and shared responsibility in the fashion industry.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Umfang: 166 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-3-319-74367-7): 59,49 €
Das Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.
Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses e-Book kostenfrei verfügbar.
Herausgeber_in: Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu, Miguel Angel Gardetti
Schlagwörter: Green Fashion, green fashion, green fashion Alternativen, ethical fashion, ethical Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Nachhaltigkeit, Bekleidungsindustrie, Konsummuster, Konsumverhalten, Nachhaltig Konsumieren, Konsumverhalten, Umweltbelastung
Volume 1:
This book deals with the important aspects of green fashion including Animal Welfare in Ethical Fashion, Sustainable Processing of Textiles, Sustainable design case studies, Wool Composting, Consumer behaviour in sustainable clothing market, industrial case studies related to green fashion, etc.
Volume 2:
This book details the crux of green fashion, addressing various environmental aspects and discussing the importance of sustainable fashion in the apparel industry. It addresses various important topics such as Relationship marketing in green fashion, Animal Ethics and Welfare in the Fashion and Lifestyle Industries, Green Flame retardants, etc.
Volume 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Umfang: 252 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-981-10-0111-6): 83,29 €
Das Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.
Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses e-Book kostenfrei verfügbar.
Volume 2
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Umfang: 247 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: e-Book (ISBN 978-981-10-0245-8): 99 €
Das Buch ist auch als Print-Version erhältlich.
Für Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder mit Zugang zu Publikationen des Springer-Verlages ist dieses e-Book kostenfrei verfügbar.
Verlag: Laurence King Publishing
Autoren: Paul Hawken (Künstler), Kate Fletcher (Autor), Lynda Grose (Autor)
Schlagwörter: Design, Modedesigner/innen, Designer/innen, ethical fashion, green fashion Alternativen, Veränderung, Transformation
This book examines how sustainability has the potential to transform both the fashion system and the innovators who work within it. Sustainability is arguably the defining theme of the twenty-first century. The issues in fashion are broad-ranging and include labour abuses, toxic chemicals use and conspicuous consumption, giving rise to an undeniable tension between fashion and sustainability. The book is organized in three parts. The first part is concerned with transforming fashion products across the garment's lifecycle and includes innovation in materials, manufacture, distribution, use and re-use. The second part looks at ideas that are transforming the fashion system at root into something more sustainable, including new business models that reduce material throughput. The third section is concerned with transforming the role of fashion designers and looks to examples where the designer changes from a stylist or creator into a communicator, activist or facilitator.
Erscheinungstermin: 2. April 2012
Umfang: Taschenbuch, 192 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Bezug: Print für 25,99 € bei Amazon