Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen

Bildungsarbeit an Hochschulen



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Anzeige der Artikel nach Schlagwörtern: Digitalisierung

Herausgeber_in: McKinsey
Autor_innen: Achim Berg, Lara Haug, Saskia Hedrich Karl-Hendrik Magnus

Zielgruppe: Student_innen, Erwachsene

Medien: Hintergrundinformationen

Schlagwörter: COVID-19, Corona, Digitalisierung, Einkaufspraktiken, Globalisierung, Lieferkette, Nachhaltigkeit, Nearshoring, Produktionsstandort, Studie, Supply Chain, Transparenz, Unternehmensverantwortung, Untersuchung

This article assesses the impact of the crisis on sourcing operations and spotlights the steps that companies are taking in their immediate response. Then the strategies—and the paradigm shift—that will be necessary to reshape sourcing practices moving forward are pivoted. Two key objectives for this long-term transformation are suggested: a demand-driven supply-chain model and sustainable sourcing. It is emphasized that, for every fashion close collaboration at all levels along the value chain is required.

It was conducted a largescale survey among sourcing executives and a broader group of stakeholders—asking both how companies can respond to the crisis now and how they envision the future of the industry. The survey, conducted between April 14 and April 22, 2020, engaged 116 sourcing executives from fashion retailers and brands predominantly in North America and Western Europe; between them they manage more than $120 billion in sourcing value. Insights from more than 230 other Sourcing Journal subscribers are included, who are stakeholders across the value chain, including suppliers, agents, and academics. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Sourcing Journal. These sourcing executives and stakeholders make clear that, beyond immediate crisis management, the industry needs to shift towards a more sustainable and demand-centric future.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Umfang: 20 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: Informationen auf der Website oder kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Herausgeber_in: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Schlagwörter: Asien, COVID-19, Corona, Digitalisierung, Globalisierung, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Gender, Kambodscha, Visionen, Zukunft

Zielgruppe:  Erwachsene, Student_innen

Medien: Hintergrundinformation

Schlagwörter: Asien,n COVID-19, Corona, Digitalisierung, Globalisierung, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, Gender, Kambodscha, Visionen, Zukunft


This publication explores the implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on the future of jobs, skills, and training in Southeast Asia, particularly for high growth industries in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. In Cambodia the garment industry is highlighted which should aim to depend less on low-cost production by moving toward production with higher value added, and that 4IR technologies could facilitate this transition.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Umfang: 76 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei

Is apparel manufacturing coming home?
Nearshoring, automation, and sustainability – establishing a demand-focused apparel value chain

Herausgeber_innen: McKinsey Apparel, Fashion & Luxury Group

Autor_innen:            Johanna Andersson, Achim Berg, Saskia Hedrich, Patricio Ibanez,
                                  Jonatan Janmark, Karl-Hendrik Magnus



Themen:                  Wertschöpfungskette/ Globalisierung/ Welthandel

Zielgruppe:             Student_innen, Unternehmen, Erwachsene, Beschaffer_innen

Medien:                   Hintergrundinformationen


Schlagwörter: Digitalisierung, Globalisierung, globale Bekleidungsindustrie, globale Wertschöpfungskette, Klima, Lieferkette, Nearshoring, Produktlebenszyklus, Studie, Tipps für in der Bekleidungsbranche Tätige, Umweltschutz, Veränderung, Wettbewerbsstrategie, Zukunftsperspektiven

Tomorrow’s successful apparel companies will be those that take the lead to enhance the apparel value chain on two fronts: nearshoring and automation. It cannot be just one of them and it must be done sustainably. […]

The aim of this white paper is to help mass-market apparel brands and retailers embark on this journey. It clarifies the future demand-led apparel sourcing and production models, their current economic viability, and the future outlook. To develop this white paper, we collaborated with the leading textile technology and textile manufacturing research institute, the Institut für Textiltechnik of the RWTH Aachen University, as well as our Digital Capability Center Aachen (DCC Aachen) on analyzing current and potential automation technologies. We also worked with the economic think tank McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) to better understand the future of factor costs. Additionally, we conducted interviews with a broad range of international experts and practitioners in apparel manufacturing and retailing as well as robotics and sustainability.

We also asked apparel sourcing executives and industry participants to comment on the industry disruptions of nearshoring, automation, and sustainability in a survey conducted in September 2018. Our white paper also provides guidance on where to start the journey based on transformation work we have conducted with international apparel manufacturers, brands, and retailers.


Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Umfang: 31 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

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